This project is trying to use an alternative way to recommend songs to users. The mainstream music service providers utilize user browsing and listening history along with the user playlist cross-comparison of other users with similar habits to recommend music to users. Instead of utilizing user browsing history or any other recorded interactions, our system tries to find the user's current emotion by asking a user for input text about feelings. It can be a diary, a transcribed conversation, or a show script. These texts have a high possibility of containing the users’ current emotional state and they can be used to predict desired musical themes of the users. The purpose of the user study is to verify the efficiency of this software system which asks for texts that may contain current emotional state and experience recount. The texts provided by participants will be used to find songs related to the emotion or the story behind the texts. Participants will have the choice to answer questions that would be used to determine the efficiency of mapping descriptive text and related songs.
This research is anonymous, the IP addresses and other information that could associate with the participants will be deleted before analyzing the data. The data will be kept for four years for possible further study, and they will be deleted after four years. The information required for the registration will be the username and password. If you wish to receive a copy of the result, please answer “yes” in the google survey form under the result disclosure section.
If you feel uncomfortable in any of the sections during the process, you can just click the quit button. If you decide not to participate anymore, you can email me and require data deletion. My information is down below this page.
All people who participated in this project will have the opportunity to join a lottery and win a $20 Amazon gift card. Please answer “yes” in the google survey form under the lottery section if you want to participate. I will email you if you win the gift card.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Xingbang Liu:
Phone - (814)-795-0122
E-mail -
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